
Lets Eat!


A food delivery application for mobile devices, including a desktop website to market the app and help it reach it's target market.

No problem here!
Just thought it'd be fun!
My Role
Designed UI using Figma.
A screenshot of the Let's Eat marketing website.

Create a simple way for consumers to order food

The goal of this product was to create a simple way for users to order food straight to their door. Although mobile food delivery applications exist, the challenge here was taking on a new set of branding and style. The objective was to create a new look and feel for an app in a saturated market, to set it apart from existing platforms.

Colour as a UX principle in design

A commonly forgotten primary colour in the world of design, green can be used to successfully draw a users attention to a design. It is typically used for a positive outcome in user interfaces, which is beneficial in this situation. The user is able to associate the overall colour scheme with positivity and success, as well as providing a reassuring feeling.

Why have a website for a mobile application?

Although the main task of food delivery will be achieved with the mobile application, it is imperative that a product like this includes a website. Product promotion is an essential factor of creating a successful app, and it is necessary that an app can be promoted long before the official launch date. A marketing website also provides informational value, which allows a user to get a grasp on the objective and functionality of your product. It is an overall smart decision to be considered when creating a digital product, as it is an efficient promotional tool as well creating good user impressions which will in turn get higher traffic on your product.